If you’re just starting off on your boxing journey, then you might be making a checklist of all of the equipment that you need to invest in before getting started. Your list might look something like this…
-Hand Wraps
-Comfy clothes to wear whilst you train
-Boxing Boots
However, one essential you might have forgotten is tape - which can make or break your success. Today our team over at Fly is here to explore the topic of tape with you and tell you everything that you need to know about this handy accessory.

The purpose of tape is to provide you with additional security, safety and protection to your most precious tools; your hands and wrists. An injury - no matter how small - can end your boxing career, so you need to make sure to think first and prepare yourself so you don’t end up in that situation.
You might think that your gloves are enough protection, and yes they will cushion some of the impacts your hands take but they aren’t enough on their own. All the different parts of your hands and wrists need to be protected, from your palms to your wrists, to your knuckles, to your fingers and your thumbs, and tape is the ideal way to secure all of these areas.

Tape provides you with additional support and security under your gloves, reducing the chances of injury occurring. It also provides extra padding that protects your hands and wrists, reduces shock from direct impact, softens vibrations, and keeps your wrists straight.
Tape is there to secure your moveable bones and your loose joints, fastening them carefully together to provide you with the rigid support that you need when training or fighting. This will allow you to punch with more control and force, whilst preventing injury as much as possible and supporting your joints. It also protects the very delicate tendons and ligaments in your hands and keeps your fingers tight for a perfect punch.

Our hands take a battering when we box - whether it’s on the pads, bags, or in a fight - and get their fair share of wear and tear.
Adding an additional layer of protection in the form of tape is one of the best methods to reduce the risk of injury, and keep your precious tools in the best condition possible. So if you don’t want your next punch to be your last, it might be time to get your hands on some tape.
Ready to upgrade your performance and secure your safety with our brand-new Fly Performance Tape?
Our tape provides the ultimate hand protection for fighters, whether you’re new to boxing or you’re a pro looking to become a champion.
It’s a game-changer and ensures that every punch you throw is as safe, secure and powerful as possible. Professionally designed by our team of experts for your power, performance, and protection so that you can step into the ring without any worries.

It’s super easy to use with no wastage or scissors required, and rigid and non-stretch making it perfect for training, sparring or a match. With a 100% Cotton composition, it lets your skin breathe easily and move comfortably and works to minimise your injuries whilst maximising your potential.
It’s designed with our signature Fly print, and is available in 3 optimal widths to suit your precise wrapping needs with our distinctive Fly design.
Become your best, with Fly Performance Tape today.